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Upgrade to a Premium Account

Many of our features are availalbe to free accounts, however we do have extra premium features available for subscribers.

Band Details


Band Name

Band Location

About the Band

Website Address

Band Logo

Band Contact Details

Secure Email Form

Social Media Links

Youtube Videos (max 3)

Followers (instant notifications sent for new events)

Delegated Access (additional accounts can manage band profile and events)

Event Details


Event Name

Event Description

Event Location

Event Date/Time

Event Price

Online Tickets Link

Contact Details (max 2)

Upload Event Poster



Vacancy Name

Vacancy Description

Contact Details

Number of Live Adverts

1 Advert


News Articles


News Items

News Format

Plain Text

Rich Text Editor

Social Sharing

Email Alerts (Followers)

We are constantly looking to improve or add further features to the site - Premium Accounts will always benefit from these ahead of any general release. All new accounts will receive a 2 week trial to our Premium Features, after that your account will revert to show only the Free features. You can choose to upgrade from Free to Premium for £39.99 for 1 year.

By upgrading to a Premium Account, your band is contributing towards the running costs and development of the site - we thank you!

If you have any further queries, please don't hesitate to Contact Us